For most people, making their own decisions and choices, is a matter of some considerable importance. Being part of decision-making processes is not only a route where self-identity is expressed but it is also an important aspect of personal freedom. However, a number of barriers can prevent people from actively taking part in decisions which affect their lives and can affect an individual’s ability to speak up for themselves.
Advocacy reaches out to some of the most marginalised and disadvantaged sections of the community, people that formal services and systems can overlook: People who may be isolated in their own home, care homes or hospitals; or who lack confidence to speak up because they have been ignored or abused in the past; or lost faith in services; or are unaware that services and support exist.
Although there are several ‘types’ of advocacy, Your Family Matters offer:
Direct Advocacy
In-direct Advocacy
Independent advocacy
peer advocacy
An advocate is someone who publicly speaks out on behalf of another. An advocate would be assigned a child/young person or vulnerable adult to support in this way.
The role of the advocate is to:
Engage with the child/young person or adult and find out what their views are prior to a FGC taking place
Visit the child/young person and adult several times in their home or a location convenient to them
Attend the FGC with them and the review if necessary.
Your Family Matters offer an independent advocacy service.
Your Family Matters offer volunteering opportunities for anyone interested in becoming an advocate – full training would be provided.