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Why Us?

Our mission is to be the leading provider of comprehensive support to families across Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Yorkshire and Cheshire. We will enable families to come together in an engaging environment to sustain positive change by: working in partnership with families to maintain valuable relationships; taking responsibility and making positive contributions.


We are focused on providing a first class service with the highest levels of customer and partnership satisfaction – we will do everything we can to meet your expectation. With a variety of interventions to choose from we are sure you will be happy with the service that we will provide.


People you can trust…


We believe in a world where children’s needs are put first, where families are valued and encouraged to make positive change. With a total of 42 years’ experience in the social work arena we have excellent experience of working with some of the most hard to reach families offering a multi-systemic approach and bridging the gap between families and professionals.

Your Family Matters exists to serve you, your family and your children. Our friendly team of dedicated professionals have a reputation for working with some of the most hard to reach families. Your Family Matters specialise in: Family Group Conferences (FGCs); BME FGCs; Shuttle Conferencing; Mediation; Advocacy; Restorative Conferencing; Community Conferences; Independent Social Work Assessments and your training needs. Our Family Matters deliver in Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Yorkshire and Cheshire. We provide a wide range of services and are always working hard to improve standards.

Image by Ian Schneider

Our Values

Children’s needs at the centre of decisions.

To facilitate our services in the most suitable form for families.

To provide the best service possible for families and professionals.

To deliver high quality services that demonstrates the value of partnership working.

To recognise the potential for change.

Commitment to holistic understanding and intervention.

> Get in touch

Contact Us


BRADFORD | 208A Thornton Road | BD1 2JN


MANCHESTER | 132-134 Great Ancoats Street | M4 6DE


SALFORD | Eccles Gateway | 28 Barton Lane | Eccles | Manchester | M30 0TU


LONDON B1 | Kemp House | 152-160 City Road | EC1V 2NX 

CARDIFF | County Hall | Atlantic Wharf | Cardiff | CF10 4UW


VALE OF GLAMORGAN  | Dock Offices | Subway Road | Barry | CF63 4RT

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